Mindfulness at Prairie Island


Sunday morning yoga

Every Sunday, from Memorial Day through the end of September, Prairie Island Campground hosts yoga along the river on the Swamp Oak Terrace. The cost is $12, or a punch card 5 for $50. Proceeds from yoga support facilitating environmental learning opportunities at Prairie Island Park.

Please RSVP through clicking on the link above to the calendar. Limit 15.

Nature hikes

Join us weekly on Wednesday evenings, from 5:00 - 6:00 PM for the family friendly hikes through Prairie Island Park. Each week will rotate through the observing and monitoring the activity of pollinators, birds, and plants. Data gathered will be uploaded to the citizen science projects that the Swamp Oak Wanderers supports as well as will inform the reclamation of floodplain forest and prairie habitat within the park.

Please check the calendar and RSVP by clicking on the link to the Swamp Oak Terrace Calendar. Limited to 12 participants