2024 Reservations

available January 1, @ 10am.

Click on one of the buttons below that best fits your type of stay.

Is this your first time using our online booking engine? We suggest you take a minute to read the instructions at the bottom of this page to help your booking experience go more smoothly. If you find that you need more assistance please do not hesitate to email or call.

email: info@prairieislandcampground.com

phone: 507-452-4501

RV Reservation System Instructions

Online reservations can be made 24-7, Jan 1 - Oct 30.

Before clicking one of the RESERVATION buttons above, read these basic instructions. 

  • Click on the RESERVATION button to open the booking engine in List View. (Click Map View for map)

  • Select your dates for arrival and departure.

  • Indicate the type of equipment you have for camping and the amenities you are looking for. (Example: RV site, RV Pull Through or Tent, AND preferred amenities like Water/Electric 20/30/50amp). Note, only select amenities that are an absolute must for you. The more refined the search, the fewer options that will be shown.

  • Click on the search button and the available sites will appear.

  • In Map View they will be green for available, red for unavailable, and on occasion a site will be a purple/brown color which indicates for you to call us because the site can not be reserved online, or is only available for a portion of your selected dates. When you find that the site you were hoping to book is shown in red, it is because someone else has beaten you to it. Those buggers!

  • Once you find an available site you want, click "add".  The reservation will be placed in your “cart”. 

  • You can book multiple dates or sites within the same reservation! Simply add another site or change your dates and follow the same process. 

  • Under the “Camp Store” or “Rental” tab, items like firewood and ice can be added to your reservation. 

  • Finally, click “Checkout”, complete the guest information and payment info, and yo are done!  An email confirmation with all the details will follow.

We look forward to meeting you in person at the Camp Store when you check-in!